Exploring the Wonders of the Cosmos

Is Every electron identical?


 Do you ever wonder? How does every electron present in the universe have the same mass and charge, even the same spin? Why are they so identical? . Let's explore!

This is first explained by physicist John Wheeler, in his theory one electron universe hypothesis. This all begins with a phone call. This phone call was received by Richard Feynman. According to Richard Feynman:-

“I received a telephone call one day at the graduate college at Princeton from Professor Wheeler, in which he said, "Feynman, I know why all electrons have the same charge and the same mass" "Why?" "Because they are all the same electron!”

His idea begins with the world lines created by electrons in space time. Professor John Wheeler explained....

                             Professor John Wheeler

This statement means "in this universe there are infinite electrons but Professor Wheeler believed that they are not many electrons but they are one electron which is going back and forth in time. Professor Wheeler believed that the electron which goes back in time changes its charge and becomes Positron.

In mathematics changing the sign of election is the same as watching it going back in time, this doesn't mean that time is going back. It means if we assume that time is going back in coordinate frames of the electron, we would see that its direction is changed.

                       Professor Richard Feynman

Quantum field theory tells us that every particle follows C, P, T symmetry, (where C stands for charge conjugation, P stands for Parity inversion, and T stands for Time reversal ) this theory says that if we apply all three changes in any particle then the particle remains the same and if we apply only C and P transformation then we will get an antiparticle of original particle.

Thus by one electron universe hypothesis antimatter can be called as time reversed matter, this theory makes calculations of quantum field theory easy because according to this we have to make very less number of Feynman diagrams.

But this theory completely fails on experimental background. First evidence is the presence of very less number of Antiparticles. If one electron universe hypothesis is correct then the number of particles and antiparticles should be the same( but it's not true). Richard Feynman asked the same question with Professor Wheeler but the professor replied in a funny way "may be they are hidden behind protons or something" clearly it's wrong. Maybe we can say that the antiparticles are more in Number in one corner of universe, yeah it's a nice thought but it is completely against the cosmological principles because,

Our universe is both homogeneous isotropic.

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