Exploring the Wonders of the Cosmos

Mysterious Black Hole

Black hole

About 250 million light-years away from our solar system, there is a galaxy named GSN 069 at its centre a black hole exist (every galaxy have one such black hole) which is always sending a beam of X-ray towards the earth. As it is an active black hole so it is always swallowing up the matter, in this process matter collides and releases energy falling on the event horizon. ( Now you must be thinking its oblivious for a black hole then why the title says mysteriously. Wait a second ).

 In 2018 researchers of European space agency by using Using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and ESA's XMM-Newton telescope found that X-ray intensity increases up to 100 times at a cycle of every 9 hours ( detected 2 outbursts on 24 December 2018 and other 3 on 16 and 17 January 2019, next 3 outbursts detected by Chandra on 14 Feb ).

 No one yet knows why? Researchers have calculated that this back hole is 400,000 times the mass of the sun, But it is not a supermassive black hole as it is still quite small to be called as a supermassive black hole. Researchers have also calculated that this black hole is swallowing up matter roughly equivalent to the mass of four moons 3 times a day.

"It was completely unexpected," Giovanni Miniutti, (an astronomer at Spain's Center of Astrobiology and lead author of a new paper on the black hole, said in a statement from ESA). "Giant black holes regularly flicker like a candle, but the rapid, repeating changes seen in GSN 069 from December onwards is something completely new" There is a little explanation on it (not a complete one). Researchers said that this black hole is either completely or partly torn apart and consuming bit by bit. 

It could be the reason for high energy X-ray emission.

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